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44111038000, BILUX-BULB 12V 35/35W BA20D, Ktm, Ktm Powerparts


44111038000, BILUX-BULB 12V 35/35W BA20D, KTM, 1
44111038000, BILUX-BULB 12V 35/35W BA20D, KTM, 1
44111038000, BILUX-BULB 12V 35/35W BA20D, KTM, 1
44111038000, BILUX-BULB 12V 35/35W BA20D, KTM, 2
44111038000, BILUX-BULB 12V 35/35W BA20D, KTM, 3
KTM, KTM PowerParts
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Prijs: EUR 14.52 incl. BTW

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Motorcycle Spare Parts verkoopt uitsluitend originele reserveonderdelen van de verschillende fabrikanten. Het BILUX-BULB 12V 35/35W BA20D-onderdeel is gefabriceerd door KTM en is nieuw en wordt geleverd in de originele verpakking.

The part in question is a BILUX-BULB 12V 35/35W BA20D, a type of automotive light bulb. As an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) part, this bulb is identical to the original product used during the initial assembly of the vehicle. This guarantees the same level of quality and reliability as the parts that are used in brand-new vehicles produced by these brands.

This specific bulb is intended for vehicles produced by brands such as KTM and KTM PowerParts, and is identifiable by the manufacturer part number 44111038000. The compatibility of the parts with these specific brands ensures a perfect fit and performance as expected.

The BILUX-BULB 12V 35/35W BA20D functions as an automotive headlamp bulb. It operates at a voltage of 12V and has double filaments, hence the values 35/35W, which signify the power used by each filament in the bulb. This dual filament bulb supports both low and high beam functionality, necessary for different driving conditions.

The BA20D aspect of the part number refers to the type of base that the bulb uses, which features a specific design for a secure fit into the socket. BA20D is a bayonet type fitting with a 20mm diameter and two contacts on the bottom.

When replacing this bulb, it is crucial to handle it carefully to prevent premature failure. This is because the oil from human skin can cause hot spots on the bulb, thus reducing its longevity.

The BILUX-BULB 12V 35/35W BA20D plays an essential role in automotive lighting by providing clear visibility during night-time driving and adverse weather conditions, ensuring the safety of the driver and other road users. This bulb, when used as an OEM part, also ensures that your vehicle retains its original specifications and performance.

Veelgestelde vragen Alles wat u moet weten over dit onderdeel

De/het 44111038000 BILUX-BULB 12V 35/35W BA20D past bij voertuigen van de volgende fabrikanten:

Ja, de/het 44111038000 BILUX-BULB 12V 35/35W BA20D is splinternieuw, echt OEM reserveonderdeel dat door de fabrikant is gemaakt.

KTM is de fabrkant van dit/ deze 44111038000 BILUX-BULB 12V 35/35W BA20D.

Waarschijnlijk wel - Motorcycle Spare Parts levert aan 117 landen. Bekijk de verzendkosten en kijk of uw land op de lijst voorkomt.

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