48600239, O-RING 8X1,25 NBR70 Siliconized, Husqvarna, Husaberg


De (of Het) O-RING 8X1,25 NBR70 Siliconized is nummer 43 in de onderstaande onderdelentekening.

48600239, O-RING 8X1,25 NBR70 Siliconized, Husqvarna, 0
48600239, O-RING 8X1,25 NBR70 Siliconized, Husqvarna, 0
Husqvarna, Husaberg
O-RING 8X1,25 NBR70 Siliconized

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The O-RING 8X1,25 NBR70 Siliconized is a crucial OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) replacement part, specifically designed for automotive vehicles by Husqvarna and Husaberg. Included under the manufacturer part number 48600239, this component plays a pivotal role in ensuring the effective operation and the structural integrity of several mechanical and fluid systems inside the vehicle.

The O-RING 8X1,25 denotes its metric dimensions; 8mm bore diameter and 1.25mm thickness. Being siliconized, it has heightened resistance against heat and other extreme environmental conditions, which is crucial for preserving its function and endurance over prolonged usage.

NBR70 is indicative of the type of material used in this O-Ring. NBR, also known as Nitrile Butadiene Rubber, is widely recognized for its excellent properties; including superior resistance to most oils, fuels, and other automotive fluids, along with excellent resistance to abrasion and tearing. The '70' denotes the Shore Hardness of the O-ring, meaning it has a high degree of hardness and durability, ideal for high-stress applications.

The primary purpose of this O-RING is to seal the connection or interface between two components or parts. This ensures airtight and leak-free conditions, preventing the passage or leakage of fluids or gases between the joined elements. O-Rings like this one can be found in a multitude of systems in a vehicle such as in engine assemblies, hydraulic systems, fuel systems, and cooling systems.

The O-RING 8X1,25 NBR70 Siliconized is a vital component with a sophisticated design and materiality. It ensures proper sealing in various automotive systems for Husqvarna and Husaberg vehicles, providing long-lasting durability while facing a wide range of environmental conditions. Various engine sub-assemblies, fluid management, and pneumatic systems depend upon the flawless operation of this O-ring for their own performance and reliability.

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