2B001806, Oil Pipe, Aprilia, Derbi, Moto Guzzi, Vespa, Gilera, Piaggio
- Marke(s):
- Aprilia, Derbi, Moto Guzzi, Vespa, Gilera, Piaggio
- Teilenummer:
- 2B001806
- Beschreibung:
- Oil Pipe
- Verfügbarkeit:
- Wenn Ihr Teil nicht vorrätig ist, dauert es 5-7 Tage, bis es bei MSP eintrifft.
Sie sind sich nicht sicher, ob es sich um das richtige Teil handelt?
Preis: EUR 53.85 inkl. MwSt
Motorcycle Spare Parts vertreibt ausschließlich Originalersatzteile, die durch den jeweiligen Hersteller angefertigt werden. Das Ersatzteil namens Oil Pipe wurde von Piaggio hergestellt, ist fabrikneu und wurde in der Originalverpackung verschickt.
The part in discussion is an OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) replacement Oil Pipe, with the manufacturer part number: 2B001806. It is especially designed to fit certain automotive brands like Aprilia, Derbi, Moto Guzzi, Vespa, Gilera, and Piaggio.
An oil pipe is a crucial component within an automotive vehicle, primarily responsible for effectively transporting oil from the oil pump into the engine's oil galleries. By this, it provides critical lubrication to the engine components and maintains the overall health and efficiency of the vehicle. This lubrication aids in reducing the level of wear and tear, prevents overheating, and ensures smooth engine operations.
Given its considerable role in the functionality and life of a vehicle, it's important to emphasize that this specific OEM replacement oil pipe aligns with the standard quality, fit, and performance of the original part that came with the vehicle. Being an OEM part guarantees compatibility and optimal performance.
The fact that it is designed to fit various brands listed above assures that you can rely on this oil pipe if you own a vehicle from one of these manufacturers. Owing to different makes and models that these brands offer, it's safe to say that this certain oil pipe offers a versatile fit across various vehicle designs.
Additional details regarding dimension, materials used, installation, and maintenance may depend on the specific models and makes of the vehicles from the aforementioned brands. Ensure to cross-check these factors and consult a professional if necessary before purchasing or installing this OEM replacement oil pipe.